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Operation Madcap: Exposing Alex Jones' Capitulation & Betrayal in the Connecticut Sandy Hook Cases (Video) 11.01.24

Public Statement/Press Release 11.11.24

Operation Madcap Slide Show Presentation

~ Abridged Highlights Version ("HLV")

Sandy Hook Hoax Smoking Gun Connecticut State Police "Crime Scene" Photo Posted & Pulled by Infowars

(Slide Gallery)

Sandy Hook Scrapbook

The alleged Sandy Hook school shooting was a hoax, and Alex Jones took a purposeful dive on defending against the related Connecticut lawfare defamation suits.

Published 12.14.24 ~ 12th Anniversary of Sandy Hook Hoax

Summary Slide Show

~ The Case Against Alex Jones and Sandy Hook ~ Super Summary Video

Watch Wyn Young present a compelling case

to world - renowned psychiatrist Rima E. Laibow, MD

and a skeptical retired attorney and fan of Alex Jones, Ralph Fucetola, JD

that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax

and that Mr. Jones threw the Connecticut defamation cases.


Wyn Clip ~ Bottom Lines

~ Wyn Clip ~

The Case Against Alex Jones & Sandy Hook

Callender's AJ_SH Endorsement 12.23_edit

Endorsement of Attorney Wyn Young's Alex Jones/Sandy Hook public advocacy case by Attorney Todd Callender (CO Bar 25981) (12.23.24)

The Sandy Hook Scandal

Attorney Wyn Young joins Attorney Todd Callender on Truth Be Told to both discuss and name names in the two~part and treasonous Sandy Hook conspiracy to undermine or destroy our 1st and 2nd Amendments.

The Sandy Hook Scandal - Always Wyn (Abridged) Version

The Sandy Hook Scandal - Vaxxchoice



Alex Jones Sandy Hook Phase III
F!! The Diaz Brothers

~ Wyn Clip ~

The Sandy Hook Plaintiffs NEVER would have sued ALEX JONES unless they KNEW he would take a purposeful dive on the defense... The Sandy Hook Plaintiffs NEVER would have sued ANYONE unless they KNEW that person would take a purposeful dive on the defense...


Why ?? Because ANY person named as a Defendant in ANY Sandy Hook case could have hired ANY competent attorney who would have torn the Plaintiffs' fraudulent case(s) to shreds and exposed them. And in subsequent criminal proceedings, the Plaintiffs would likely have been charged with both fraud and treason, a capital offense for which there is no statute of limitations.


Sandy Hook truth community "gurus" WOLFGANG HALBIG and JAMES FETZER were ALSO sued by fraudulent Sandy Hook Plaintiffs and, like ALEX JONES, they ALSO very conveniently took purposeful dives on the defense of their respective cases. Accordingly, WOLFGANG HALBIG and JAMES FETZER should be indicted along with ALEX JONES as co - conspirators in the two-part and treasonous Sandy Hook conspiracy.

Alex Jones Sandy Hook Phase III

Wyn Young Crushes Phase III of the Alex Jones/Sandy Hook case in a Bombshell Interview with Victor~Hugo Vaca II (01.24.25)​

Professor Pro Se TN2_edited.jpg

Wyn Young explains the grounds for probable cause to believe "Diaz Brother" Professor James Fetzer was and is a co~conspirator in the two~part and treasonous conspiracy against our 1st and 2nd Amendments. Wyn Clip ~ Professor Pro Se (01.24.25)

The REAL Infowars
Bad Uncle Omar Peters
Kate Dalley Interview

Attorney Wyn Young joins radio host Kate Dalley to discuss basic conclusions to be drawn from the Alex Jones/Sandy Hook Connecticut defamation cases. (02/13/25)

Let's Dance

 The Alex Jones/Sandy Hook Case - Phase IV 

 The Fog of War 

Sandy Hook Phase IV Banner

Justicia desde la Montaña

Notice to Bankruptcy Court, and Submission of Written Explanatory Statement(s) and Evidentiary File(s) to Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustee, regarding the Fraudulently~Obtained $1.3 Billion Connecticut State Court Judgment Against Alex Jones (Slide Gallery 02/24~27/25)

13~Slide Evidentiary PowerPoint Submitted to Alex Jones' Chapter 7 Trustee, Christopher Murray (Slide Gallery 02/27/25)

Response & Reply 

Legal Notices & Demands Issued to Trustees and/or their Counsel

in the Alex Jones Ch. 7 Bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas

(02/28/25 ~ 03/04/25)

Phase IV Update & Debate Challenge

In this important interview and update with Victor-Hugo Vaca II, Attorney Wyn Young explains that the public advocacy case to expose the two-part and treasonous Sandy Hook conspiracy has now entered a fourth and crucial stage: Phase IV: The Fog of War.


As Phase IV commences, Attorney Young brings the fraudulent nature of the $1.3 Billion Connecticut state court Sandy Hook judgment against Alex Jones to the attention of the Bankruptcy Court, the Trustees, and the Trustees' attorneys in Alex Jones' Chapter 7 bankruptcy in an attempt to prevent any relief from being afforded based on the fraudulent judgment and to otherwise bring the overall Sandy Hook conspiracy to proper light and place it on a path to justice.


And if that's not enough real-life, jaw-dropping drama for you, Attorney Young goes a step further and issues the following debate challenge to attorneys, broadcast personalities,

and Alex Jones cronies, **Robert Barnes** and **Viva Frei**:


***I hereby challenge Robert Barnes and Viva Frei to a public debate on: (1) whether Alex Jones took a purposeful dive on the defense of the Connecticut Sandy Hook defamation cases, and (2) their continued fealty to/involvement with Jones in view of his collusion/self-sabotage/treason in the Sandy Hook cases. R. Wyn Young, Esq. (Ohio Bar 64876)***


Link to Wyn Young's Appearances Playlist on Rumble

Link to Always Wyn Rumble Sandy Hook Source Videos Playlist

Link to Wyn Young's My Buzz Feed Playlist on Rumble

Wyn Young GiveSendGo Campaign

Request for Support

I recently quit my full~time day job, working through an agency, as a contract attorney.

I did the work for 8.5 years to earn an honest living while remaining free to speak my mind publicly and unabashedly.

The demands of the Alex Jones/Sandy Hook matter and media interest in same reached the point over the holidays where I simply could not both work the day job and continue to pursue this case of public advocacy.

It was a no~brainer for me... I told my now (former) employer, in essence, that:

"I need to look out for my investment" ~ in America, that is.​


If you appreciate the type of work I am doing, including this one~person public advocacy push to expose

the Alex Jones/Sandy Hook two~part and treasonous conspiracy against our 1st and 2nd Amendments, then

please consider supporting my efforts by clicking the blue Donate button at the top of the page.

For the time being, and as I pursue this public advocacy case on a full~time basis,

I will be entirely dependent upon public support via the linked GiveSendGo campaign (blue Donate button at top).

Donations/contributions, unfortunately, will NOT be deductible to the giver;

and I will be reporting ALL contributions/donations received, as income, to our dear friends at the IRS.


Thank you for your time, consideration, and kind support.

Wyn Young

© 2025 by Always Wyn


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